Tuesday, 21 February 2012


ada orang cakap "eee..takut nye nak simpan dalam unit trust. risky!"

kesian tgk orang mcm nih. mungkin dia tak di dedahkan dengan how the unit trust work. yes. its a risky investment. but it's a 10% risk only. Lagi risky if your money simpan je dalam bank tanpa buat apa-apa diversification simpanan. Yelah, takut asik withdraw aje kan. Kalau anda ada sepapan telur? adakah anda akan letak kesemua telur dalam 1 bakul?  OR u put all the eggs to 5 different bucket?

diversified portfolio

Tapi talking about risk, everything in our life is about risk. Daripada tidur, bangun pagi, pegi keja, dekat office, balik kerja, tidur balik, it's all about risiko! but not all risiko adalah jahat. Kalau kita take the risk as negativity, memang la jadi tak bagus dalam kehidupan kita. Even playing safe is not safe after all!!

If we want a be a successful person, the main thing is, we have to take the risk! Cuba kita ambil contoh terdekat, start with the risiko kita keluar rumah bawak kereta. Kita sebenar telah ambil satu risiko yang sangat besar!. Bila-bila masa kita blh kena langgar, accident, kena ragut, tersangkut dalam jam yang maha jam. Tapi kenapa kita keluar jugak?  because we have a purpose. We want to cari rezeki. Give the best for ourself, family, future. That's why we go out, and 

Kalau kita asik fikir, 

"oh,  i can't try this, this is too risky!", " ee, takut la..risiko sangattttttt!" ..

then how can we live your life?? asik fikir negatif je, semua bende mcm mana nak jadi? nak keluar rumah mencari rezeki pon  tak boleh kan? Nak keluar bawak kereta pon takut! nak simpan duit kat tempat betul pon, rasa teragak-agak! then? how can we live our future nnti if too scare to do something risky yang beneficial??? 

So, dont ever say  risk is bad. Risk is a reality that we have to face in our life.
 No safety! safety is a MYTH! Dare to take a risk! Dont be fear!!! fear is mind killer! 
Dare to be different!take the first step.

the biggest risk one can take is NOT TO TAKE ONE!

dare enough to retire with a million dollar in your bank?? 

call me for appointment/explanation

013 777 0966

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