ramai orang mcam tatau lagi ape tu unit trust kan. not many people aware kebaikan and keburukan unit trust nih sebenarnye. and ramai orang tanak pon amek tahu ape sebenanryner unit trust ni kan2?
tapi actually unit trust nih is very important dalam kehiduapan kita sbb its like saving.
ok, i tell u ape actually unit trust nih, unit trust is an investment dimana a collective of money being pooled from public. idea disebalik nya adalah utk mendapatkan better returns thru the collective investing tadi. so makna nya, pooling an investments from many investors, individu, institusi, utk melabur according the objective and strategy.
so ape advantages melabur dalam unit amanah nih???
byk!!!!! antara nye, kewangan kita dapat diurus oleh professionals at low cost!! kalau hire sniri..mahal tau! risiko? bukan tade ...tapi KURANGGG...because they manage the risk from the start lagi. kecairan, transaction of the fund money pon jadi mudah. paling penting capital appreciation and INCOME STREAM!!! baru la ade savings utk hari tua kan??
operation unit trust nih lebih kurang macam bank jugak.samee je kekdahnyer.sbb semua orang pon simpan duit dalam bank kan? so bank pon akan buat the similar things jugak, pinjam all our money to make an investment utk menjana pendapatan bg sesebuah bank.KWSP pon same jugak macam tuh. abes..bank pon nk buat duitt kaaan??ha..camtuh la care nye..rolling2 je semula.
a unit trust holder yang nk melabur pulak, mesti la nakkan pelaburan mereka generate higher income kan?so matlamat nya same jugak, to make money work harder, either through producing income or growth. a unit trust holder also tak perlu risau, sbb mereka mmpuyai kecairan because their units can be converted into money at any time.tak pyah la nk risau pasal nk withdraw the money in a certain peroid.sbb mmg blh keluarkan the money anytime!!!
kadang2 ade jugak yang risau, siapa yang pegang duit kita in unit trust, dont wory ur money safe with Public Mutual. because ur money bukan Public Mutual yang pegang. they have trustee utk menguruskan/ jaga all your money. cnth nye Maybank Trustee and Amanah Raya Berhad for Public Mutual.so ..tak perlu risau..because we have safe guards to take care all of our money.
thru this kind of investment actually ramai orang biasa2 blh generate money yang byk. because most of the unit trust holder, in 5 years time, mereka da blh dapat pulang kira-kira 20% SETAHUN keuntungan dari sesuatu fund .
so bygkan saja jika anda labur dalam RM100k?u do the math in 5 years, what if 10-20 years?, and without doing anything, the money will INCREASE INTO BIGGER AMOUNT!!!!!
sangat menguntungkan!
so, if interested to know more how
give a call - 013 777 0966 (shekin)
for consutation
Your Unit Trust Consultant for Public Mutual.
regards :)
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