Kat mana kita simpan duit kita??
kebanyakkan orang mesti simpan duit dalam Fixed Deposit kan? yang ada EPF tuh, just simpan je lama-lama dalam EPF.
sedarkah kita?
Fixed Deposit cuma bg kita return every year 3%? dan EPF cuma bg 5% setiap tahun? berapa sangat kenaikan tu? cukup ke untuk kita simpan dan fight for inflation rate for the next 10years?? how much the return if we get only 3% (FD) - 5% (EPF) every year?
comparison between UNIT AMANAH and Fixed Deposit sangat-sangat jauh sebab PM boleh bagi dividend sehingga 10%-20% every single year.
yes! 10% - 20%,
dan even UNIT AMANAH pernah bg lebih dari 20% setahun. SANGAT HEBAT!!
Investment in UNIT AMANAH tak memerlukan modal yang sgt besar pon. If let say ada dikalangan antara kita yang tak ada KWSP but got some cash at least RM1000, why not invest dalam UNIT AMANAH? dari u spend the money tak tentu pasal and buat pelaburan yang tidak byk mendatangkan keuntungan?kan?
let see the pic below,
(click to enlarge)
if umur you sekarang is 30 years old and you have only RM1000 and you simpan dalam Fixed Deposit (FD) selama 25 tahun? let see the pic above, with 3% every year dividend u only get RM44,712 (red circle)
but if invest in PM instead, yang beri you pulangan sehingga 10%, ur money can increase from RM1000 to RM133,789!!!!
it's much much much more BIGGER than Fixed Deposit!! and it is start only with RM1000! dan seperti yang disebut tadi, PM pernah bg divident melebihi 20%. So, blh tgk kat picture above column 20% blh generate hampir RM1juta!!
so, kat mana tmpat yang paling bagus untuk kita parking our money? of course
if you have some money in FD and KWSP, fikir la balik, kat mana yang blh generate profit yang lebih tinggi. Keluarkan half of your FD money or some of KWSP fund and put in PM, and u yourself blh buat comparison.
let say u park your money in FD, EPF and UNIT AMANAH, actually u overwrite dividend
3% (FD) + 5%(EPF) + 10% (PM) = 18% EVERY YEAR!!!!!!!
this kind of preparation we should have before facing hardship in the future.
call me for appointment/explanation
013 777 0966
Adelena Asykn
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