Thursday, 22 December 2011

return of investment (ROI)

byk orang cakap, invest invest, blh kaya cepat.
 tapi ramai yang tatau how's return dari sesebuah pelaburan. yang paling teruk, ada orang terpengaruh dgn cakap-cakap orang laen pastu maen invest je kat tmpat dan saluran yang tak betul, tanpa kira, ambil tahu , kaji or study tentang how's the return utk satu2 pelaburan.  

Kita MESTI tahu apa dan macam mana nk dapat keuntungan/return dari our investment.

Mesti tahu! 

Mengenal pasti return dalam sesuatu pelaburan adalah sangat penting. How?

1) Calculate cost
 - initial cost
 - maintainance cost
 - fees / taxes

2) Estimate / calculate your returns
  - expected gain from investment?
  -  bila we expect the returns to happen?

3) Establish timeline for cost and returns
  - lukis 1 timeline or list kronologi order utk semua cost dan returns kita dah discover in step 1 and 2. 
            cth : 1/1/2006 initial investment cost :  (RM100,000)
                 : 1/9/2006 sell investment            :  RM120,000

*() negative value 

mmg, investment blh buat orang jadi kaya. i mean, kaya raya. in fact kat Google pon kita blh search kebaikan melabur tapi kena la invest dalam saluran yang betul, tak kesah la invest dalam saving accounts ke, stocks, real estate, business venture or unit trust. tapi, 

yang mana paling less risk? for sure it's unit trust.  
unit trust yang mana? for sure its Public Mutual! because Public Mutual is Number 1!
and how's the return? see this!

click pic to enlarge

see from the pic above, if we start invest in 2006 with amount of RM100,000 (red box color) in  EPF, Fixed Deposit, or Unit Trust. after 4-5 years it will increase to....

  EPF : RM136,734  FD : RM120,234 and Unit Trust : RM173,788!!!

and here in that pic, you can even compare, which is the best choice to park ur money between EPF, Fixed Deposit or Unit Trust. pilih la yang mana blh membantu anda mencapai kebebasan kewangan dengan lebih cepat dan banyak. 

retire with lots of money in your pocket without waiting too long! make it happen people!!!

call me for consultation/explaination

013 777 0966

Adelena Asykn
your Unit Trust Consultant for Public Mutual

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