Saturday, 3 December 2011

invest your money in Public Mutual, sit back and relax!

maybe ramai tertanya-tanye, tak tahu, tak de knowledge tentang macam mane actually unit trust nih blh menguntungkan seseorang pelabur. siap bile kadang2 i tanye orang, mereka ckp, "ish, tanak la i tak ready nak invest lagi", " no, not for the time being" and goes on.

mereka sebenarnyer bukan nya tanak, tapi mungkin mereka tak faham, how actually public mutual blh bg mereka keuntungan yang baik utk masa depan mereka, lagi CEPAT anda melabur, so automatically anda akan simpan duit lagi LAMA, jadi, lagi BANYAK la return anda nnti.

ok, now, i give example yang paling paling paling senang untuk orang faham, and get the picture how actually the unit trust works and can bring benefit utk pelabur.

1st thing is, all the money yang u invest akan ditukarkan kepada unit in unit trust, that's why la nama dier unit trust pon, so let take a look an example below eh,

an example,

let say, u melabur dalam Public Islamic Dividend Fund, RM5000 pada 31.12.2009

and stated, on 31.12.2009 harga seunit dalam fund tu is 0.23sen.

so RM5000 / 0.23 = 21,739 unit

then on May 2010 the dividend utk fund tu pon distribute sebanyak 12%

21,739 x 12% = 2,608

jumlah unit baru,  21,739 + 2,608 = 24,347 unit

so it goes on, may 2011 distribute 12% lagi,

24,347 x 12% = 2,921 

jumlah unit baru, 24,347 + 2,921 = 27,268 unit

goes on lagi, may 2012 distribute 12% lagi sekali,

27,268 x 12% = 3,272

jumlah unit baru, 27,268 + 3,272 = 30,540 unit

may 2013 distribute lagi 12%,

30,540 x 12% = 3,664

jumlah unit baru, 30,540 + 3,664 = 34,204 unit

may 2014, 12% lg

34,204 x 12% = 4,104

jumlah unit baru, 34,204 +4,104 = 38,308 unit 

see, ur unit increase kan? bila da 5 tahun, if u rase nak withdraw, simple, just darabkan ur unit with the price per unit on that day, kate lah on the day 0.20/unit je (lower than 0.23sen, harga u beli), still u dapat untuung tau, how come?

38,308 x 0.20 = RM7,661

masa memulakan pelaburan u HANYA keluarkan RM5000 je, tanpa apa-apa top up for investment, dalam masa 5 tahun, dgn kadar dividend average 12% a year, u still get 

RM7661-RM5000 = RM 2661 PROFIT! how's that????


CUBE 100x imagine u invest bigger that RM5k and every 3 months u top up lg ur investment, dan dgn penambahan dividend every year yang diberi oleh Public Mutual, and u simpan selama 10-20 tahun,  the profit
DEFINITELY much much much MORE HIGHER than that!!!!!!!!
isn't it good for your retirement plan?

so, come on, pls think about your future, invest in the right place!!! 


if anything yang u all tak paham, tak clear, ade doubt and still 50/50, do not hesitate to

call me for consultation/explaination

013 777 0966

Adelena Asykn
your Unit Trust Consultant for Public Mutual

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