Wednesday, 28 September 2011

will be in KL

This weekend, I'll be in KL.

Friday - Sunday

for those who interested to know more how to put a little saving / investment in Public Mutual
AND how to become a Unit Trust Consultant for Public Mutual

DO NOT hesitate to call/sms
012 36 848 36
for appointment.

Adelena Asykn
your Unit Trust Consultant for Public Mutual

why should I invest in Public Mutual?

"kenapa saya  harus melabur dalam Public Mutual?"
"return dalam pelaburan ini sgt lama, saya tak blh tunggu!"
"saya tade cash, so mcm mane?"

ha...mesti ade punye soklan2 kat atas, cross ur mind kan before invest in Public Mutual. takpe, meh sini saya share WHY it is IMPORTANT to invest your money in Public Mutual.

1) We are the PIONEER!
 Public Mutual adalah pemimpin dalam industri unit trust in Malaysia. Almost 30 years dalam industri unit amanah, bukan satu jangka masa yang pendek. Dan kami juga telah diiktiraf sebagai Pengurus Uni Amanah No.1 terbaik dalam Malaysia!! how's thaatt? Kami juga telah menguruskan lebih 80 dana termasuk 19 dana syariah dgn jumlah aset bersih sebanyak RM44.4billion for more than 2.3mill account holders! phew.what a number!even Public Mutual juga mendapat pegiktirafan dari The Edge Lipper sebagai  the Biggest Owned Market Share dalam private unit trust industry. *tepuk sikittt!*

2) Dana
Seperti yang saya bgtahu kat atas tdi, Public Mutual jugak menguruskan lebih dari 80 dana termasuk 19 dana utk syariah. ya.., terdapat lebih 80 dana untuk anda membuat pilihan sebagai pelan pelaburan. The best thing is, u can even switch dana into another dana! Smesti nya hebat!? dan kami juga mempunyai track record untuk KESEMUA fund performance yang ada dalam Public Mutual. jadi, anda tak perlu la risau kan duit anda bila melabur dalam Public Mutual.

3)Award Winner
The most award receiver dalam pengurusan unit trust di Malaysia. More than 158 awards in this industry since 1999. over 90% awards won, is for The Excellent Fund Performance. And the best thing is, kami adalah pemenang Anugerah Emas Reader's Digest Trusted Brand selama 4 consecutive years!!!!sbb tuh smpai sekarang, Public Mutual berdiri gah dgn hampir mencecah jutaan pemegang account and still counting for account holders.

even in Public Mutual, pulangan adalah tidak tetap, the figure always fluctuated, tapii.....berdasarkan prestasi lepas, ada dana yang telah pon memberi 100% pulangan in certain period. see??? 

jadi ini lah sedikit sebanyak yang blh i share about Public Mutual. Mmg kadang-kadang, kita rasa period of investment tuh macam" OMG .. lamaaaaaaaa sangat" untuk achieve the sasaran and objective pelaburan,tapi we never know our future macam mana. we do need extra extra extra money as time goes by.Do you really think that 7-10 years is really a loooooooong period? i still feel the 9/11 tragedy was yesterday.

What about kadar inflasi? kat negara kita skarang pon da makin lama makin meningkat. Cth : oleh sebab kenaikan gula dalam pasaran sebayak 20sen/1kg, roti G tuh pon naik 20sen unfair kan?are they really use 1kg of sugar dalam 1 pack of roti??? it doesn make sense.

Not sure is the value of RM mmg da jadi kecik,atau pon barang mmg makin lama makin mahal. what if another 10-15 years? cukup ke, saving /kwsp kita menampung kadar inflasi yang tinggi? 

That's y we should "sediakan payung sebelom hujan". at least, when we are in our golden age, we dont need still to work hard to fight for our financial if and only If we act NOW. So, what's your next move?

call /sms : 012 36 848 36

Adelena Asykn
your Unit Trust Consultant for Public Mutual

Tuesday, 27 September 2011

bayiku kembali (my baby's back!!) soo HAPPY! my baby's back!!...rindu sgt 3 minggu tak jumpe...sian die.tak makan, tak minum...kurang belaian.hehehe

btw, he's in gud /charming condition now.tak sakit2 mcm dulu!! kalau dulu badan dier da reput2.sedih btul tgk.

bile hanta klinik kat doctor tak bertauliah, habis dier robek- robek togel-togel kan my baby. aku yang tgk dari tepi poon..separuhh nafasss je tahan.SAKIT JANTUNG!!!!!

see..tgk dier dulu, sakit teruk.."jantung berlubang"... nak try regang2 kan badan die pon tak berani.siap letak bantal lagi utk support kalau bukak lcd nye.takut nnti dier jadi worst. :'(

but, setelah hanta kat doctor yang bertauliah.ade PHD punye!, my baby back's in action!!!!!! 
dier dapat badan baruuuuuuuuuuuuuu........!!!! so..tak perlu laa bantal as a support.blh berdiri dgn sndiri 

huish..setelah 3 minggu berpisah....akhirnya dapat together balik..awww...i michu..(cium cium cium)

so...LET'S work our a$$ OFF to the last breath!

hiyaaaaaaaaaaa.(push pedal!! MAXIMUM!!!!) 

Saya nk invest in Public Mutual.How?

so, macam mane nk start utk invest in Public Mutual? ade severeal ways of investing your money in Public Mutual.

1. Pelaburan Secara Pukal (Lump Sum Purchase)
  Invest secara lump sum, contohnya kita letak RM10,000 sekali gus.then you just wait...wait..wait...the money grow smpai 10-20 years...atau sehingga tempoh yang kita rasa our objectives and sasaran da kita achieve, baru kita keluarkan semula pelaburan tu utk dptkan cash.. Kaedah ni utk jangka masa panjang. macam utk retirement, your children education. So if now u invest, 10years later, u have no worries about ur children future's in education.takpyh nak hutang PTPTN!

2. Pelaburan Semula Hasil Pelaburan(Reinvestment of Income)
Pelaburan semula hasil pelaburan ni, merujuk kpd pelaburan semula pulangan yg kita dpt dari pelaburan (i.e. distibutions, dividend) utk membeli lebih byk unit..

3. Pelaburan Secara Simpanan Tetap (Regular Savings)
Investment secara simpanan tetap, adalah di mana kita letak certain figure of money (min RM100), monthly with discipline.... this investment is best especially utk dana amanah yang harga NAV/unit nya sentiasa fluctuate i.e; equity fund..

4. Pelaburan Melalui Pinjaman (Obtain a Loan to Invest)
For this ype, investing thru loan from the bank.  this kaedah ini tak berapa digalakkan, sebab,usually kita cuma entitle utk dapat 67% from the amount of money yang kita pinjam. Cth : u pinjam RM50,000 tapi bank only gives 67% from it.selebihnya kita kena top up snri.some more plus kena bayar pulak interest dgn bank kan?.. lagipun unuti trust ni berkaitan directly dengan current share market, so meaning there's a risik utk kita dapat returns  percentage less than interest rate loan yang kita buat. rugi kot.

5) Pelaburan Melalui EPF.
this way is the BEST BEST BEST brooo... untuk start ur investment in Public gives your oppoturnity utk optimise ur potential EPF savings for higher returns over the long terms. sekali gus blh  provide u fund yang berpotensi utk  ur retirement!

untuk start investing in EPF schemes, senaaaaang je,as we know EPF ade 2 acc. so first thing first pegi KWSP utk cek ur current balance untuk ur acc 1. Check online in KWSP website pon lg senang kan,,,

so when u da call and get the balance statement in EPF this,this is how you calculate the amount yang layak utk di invest.refer the table 

the calculation is veryy easy peasyyyy....let me teach u one by one okay;

let say your age now is 30, and ur current balance in  acc 1 statement RM 30,000. so tgk ajdual kat atas tuh, eligible utk umur 30 is RM 18,000 kan?

so, (RM30,000-RM18,000) x 20% =  RM2,400
ha..that's the amount yang u eligible utk invest dalam Public Mutual.see??tak byk pon.Public Mutual tak take all your money..just 20% from ur savings and this 20% can make moree money!!!

so, have you make up ur mind how u wanna make ur $ work hard for you???
if yes, no worries, call me for consultation/explaination

012 36 848 36

Adelena Asykn
your Unit Trust Consultant for Public Mutual

Monday, 26 September 2011

Dana-dana in Public Mutual?

okay now you know what is the unit trust is. sape yang masih tak clear, still ade doubt how this unit trust work, masih blur-blur lagi what on earth is unit trust? blh terus shoot sini! ade skit explaination how this unit trust operation.

so back to main topic, "so..ape product Public Mutual? what are the funds?, aku da tak saba nk buat investment nih!!" ok2.chill2. 1st, kite check out dulu what are fund provided by Public Mutual.

Fund Public Mutual promote 5 catogories of funds.equity fund, balanced fund, bond fund, fixed income fund and money market fund. Difference antara lima category fund nih terletak kepada (asset) allocation among the various asset classes antara equities, bonds and money market instruments,resulting the benefits yang berbeza mengikut pertumbuhan modal dan pendapatan pada setiap fund. meaning to say, setiap fund tak semestinya untunggggg saja maaaaa...tapi tak semua fund rugiiiii saja. amcam my prev entry says, ade fund yang perform and give profit rate sampai 20% setahun!!!!! u just imagine how the money increase in years!

so, untuk tahu fund yang mane bagus untuk anda, itu semua bukan ur duty utk buat research kan? u tak payah la nak habiskan smpai bermalam2 macam nak amek final exam semata-mata untuk study what fund yang suit, yang tengah perform, yang tengah meletop2, nih kan??? sbb tuh Public Mutual sediakan well trained agent tuk consult you how to invest, what fund yang tgh perform and benefits of investing your money with Public Mutual. BUT, not all agent yang tahu all this kind of things, so utk anda rase selamat utk bersama dgn seseorang agent tu, u kena selidik agent tuh pon macm mane. is he/she good? is he/she commit with you? is he/she brief you about the true fact? semuaa tuh nk kena tgk because agent memainkan peranan yang sgt penting utk a unit trust holder.

SO START INVEST 20% of you money for your GOLDEN AGE!
Mutual funds grow and expand when successful

YES if you're a looking for one, im soo available for you to consult! :)

call/sms to 012 36 848 36 ; email:
for appointment

Adelena Asykn
your Unit Trust Consultant for Public Mutual 

apa tuh unit trust?

ramai orang mcam tatau lagi ape tu unit trust kan. not many people aware kebaikan and keburukan unit trust nih sebenarnye. and ramai orang tanak pon amek tahu ape sebenanryner unit trust ni kan2?
tapi actually unit trust nih is very important dalam kehiduapan kita sbb its like saving.

ok, i tell u ape actually unit trust nih, unit trust is an investment dimana a collective of money being pooled from public. idea disebalik nya adalah utk mendapatkan better returns thru the collective investing tadi. so makna nya, pooling an investments from many investors, individu, institusi, utk melabur according the objective and strategy.

so ape advantages melabur dalam unit amanah nih???
byk!!!!! antara nye, kewangan kita dapat diurus oleh professionals at low cost!! kalau hire sniri..mahal tau! risiko? bukan tade ...tapi KURANGGG...because they manage the risk from the start lagi. kecairan,  transaction of the fund money pon jadi mudah. paling penting capital appreciation and INCOME STREAM!!! baru la ade savings utk hari tua kan??

 operation unit trust nih lebih kurang macam bank jugak.samee je kekdahnyer.sbb semua orang pon simpan duit dalam bank kan? so bank pon akan buat the similar things jugak, pinjam all our money to make an investment utk menjana pendapatan bg sesebuah bank.KWSP pon same jugak macam tuh. pon nk buat duitt kaaan??ha..camtuh la care nye..rolling2 je semula. 

a unit trust holder yang nk melabur pulak, mesti la nakkan pelaburan mereka generate higher income kan?so matlamat nya same jugak, to make money work harder, either through producing income or growth. a unit trust holder also tak perlu risau, sbb mereka mmpuyai kecairan because their units can be converted into money at any time.tak pyah la nk risau pasal nk withdraw the money in a certain peroid.sbb mmg blh keluarkan the money anytime!!!

kadang2 ade jugak yang risau, siapa yang pegang duit kita in unit trust, dont wory ur money safe with Public Mutual. because ur money bukan Public Mutual yang pegang. they have trustee utk menguruskan/ jaga all your money. cnth nye Maybank Trustee and Amanah Raya Berhad for Public ..tak perlu risau..because we have safe guards to take care all of our money.

thru this kind of investment actually ramai orang biasa2 blh generate money yang byk. because most of the unit trust holder, in 5 years time, mereka da blh dapat pulang kira-kira 20% SETAHUN keuntungan dari sesuatu fund .

so bygkan saja jika anda labur dalam RM100k?u do the math in 5 years, what if 10-20 years?, and without doing anything, the money will INCREASE INTO BIGGER AMOUNT!!!!!

sangat menguntungkan!

so, if interested to know more how 

give a call - 013 777 0966 (shekin) 
for consutation
Your Unit Trust Consultant for Public Mutual. 

regards :)


Homestay Sri Selasih in JB

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Wednesday, 21 September 2011

happy happy


Iam an Unit Trust Consultant for Public Mutual Berhad. yes! u heard me.
Public Mutual Berhad.
 the number 1 unit trust in Malaysia. Over 30 years +..mmg la numbeer 1 kan???

so, today also i ade 1st appointment dgn my client. nervous.and at the same time.....sgt happy! pray hard to make an impact in this industry. thanks to my leader en.Kahar from Setia Tropika group yang byyyk sgt bg tunjuk ajar. insyaAllah ...i will not waste this golden golden golden opoturnity.


Tuesday, 20 September 2011

be a UTC SOOOONN!!!!

yep. semalam baru lepas pergi the CUTE class..whereby this class is for newbies yang baru nk berjinak nak jadi UTC ( Unit Trust Consultant). it is a veryyyy good class. it is a one day class dari kol 8am to 5pm. Full pack! 

Now, baruuuuu la i faham what is unit trust the advantages! 


byk sgt and skrg nih baru realizes this Unit Trust industry sebenarnye bukan investment yang main-main. it's a for a medium or long term investment utk maksimumkan pulangan seseorangan!sgt berbeza dgn any other common investment yang selalu kita dgr yang ade dalam Malaysia ni. Next entry will share how's this things works!

oh btw, i belom pon jadi the official UTC lagi.hehe...tomorrow is my exam to be an UTC for xxxx (ahaha..rahsie okay..nnti da pass baru kasi tau aaa) .so

pray hard! (",)