Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Saya nk invest in Public Mutual.How?

so, macam mane nk start utk invest in Public Mutual? ade severeal ways of investing your money in Public Mutual.

1. Pelaburan Secara Pukal (Lump Sum Purchase)
  Invest secara lump sum, contohnya kita letak RM10,000 sekali gus.then you just wait...wait..wait...the money grow smpai 10-20 years...atau sehingga tempoh yang kita rasa our objectives and sasaran da kita achieve, baru kita keluarkan semula pelaburan tu utk dptkan cash.. Kaedah ni utk jangka masa panjang. macam utk retirement, your children education. So if now u invest, 10years later, u have no worries about ur children future's in education.takpyh nak hutang PTPTN!

2. Pelaburan Semula Hasil Pelaburan(Reinvestment of Income)
Pelaburan semula hasil pelaburan ni, merujuk kpd pelaburan semula pulangan yg kita dpt dari pelaburan (i.e. distibutions, dividend) utk membeli lebih byk unit..

3. Pelaburan Secara Simpanan Tetap (Regular Savings)
Investment secara simpanan tetap, adalah di mana kita letak certain figure of money (min RM100), monthly with discipline.... this investment is best especially utk dana amanah yang harga NAV/unit nya sentiasa fluctuate i.e; equity fund..

4. Pelaburan Melalui Pinjaman (Obtain a Loan to Invest)
For this ype, investing thru loan from the bank.  this kaedah ini tak berapa digalakkan, sebab,usually kita cuma entitle utk dapat 67% from the amount of money yang kita pinjam. Cth : u pinjam RM50,000 tapi bank only gives 67% from it.selebihnya kita kena top up snri.some more plus kena bayar pulak interest dgn bank kan?.. lagipun unuti trust ni berkaitan directly dengan current share market, so meaning there's a risik utk kita dapat returns  percentage less than interest rate loan yang kita buat. rugi kot.

5) Pelaburan Melalui EPF.
this way is the BEST BEST BEST brooo... untuk start ur investment in Public Mutual.it gives your oppoturnity utk optimise ur potential EPF savings for higher returns over the long terms. sekali gus blh  provide u fund yang berpotensi utk  ur retirement!

untuk start investing in EPF schemes, senaaaaang je,as we know EPF ade 2 acc. so first thing first pegi KWSP utk cek ur current balance untuk ur acc 1. Check online in KWSP website pon blhh...call? lg senang kan,,,

so when u da call and get the balance statement in EPF this,this is how you calculate the amount yang layak utk di invest.refer the table 

the calculation is veryy easy peasyyyy....let me teach u one by one okay;

let say your age now is 30, and ur current balance in  acc 1 statement RM 30,000. so tgk ajdual kat atas tuh, eligible utk umur 30 is RM 18,000 kan?

so, (RM30,000-RM18,000) x 20% =  RM2,400
ha..that's the amount yang u eligible utk invest dalam Public Mutual.see??tak byk pon.Public Mutual tak take all your money..just 20% from ur savings and this 20% can make moree money!!!

so, have you make up ur mind how u wanna make ur $ work hard for you???
if yes, no worries, call me for consultation/explaination

012 36 848 36

Adelena Asykn
your Unit Trust Consultant for Public Mutual

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