Tuesday, 19 April 2011

pelaburan hartanah

Nowadays, ramai org semua sibuk melabur..ade yang melabur ASB, ade yang melabur emas, ade yang melabur beli handbag byk2, ade jugak yg melabur ehem ehem.hee...from my observation, tak ramai org tahu akan kebijaksanaaan melabur dalam hartanah.

Yelah, most of the ppl, i can c, bile ade duit sikit, habis duit dekat kereta lah(make up kereta bagai nk rak, its like u can stay inside the car for ye whole life, tapyh beli umah dah), grooming diri sniri la, gadjet la..yang perempuan ..ha ape lagi? soping bagai tiada esok *ini pon i "kadang-kadang" je ..hehe so i think, rata-rata (bukan semua) rakyat Malaysia belum bijak bab-bab investment nih. Especially orang kita

so today, i nak cerita tentang pelaburan hartanah. actually, disini la ramai VERY successful people in the world buat $ bermula dgn property investment. becoz, hartanah adelah asset yang pasti dapat memberi byk keuntungan kepada pelabur.

tapi untuk mejadi pelabur pula, anda perlu SGT100x bijak utk memilih satu-satu hartanah itu. yelah, utk memulakan pelaburan, we have to look in every aspects, kate lah nak beli 1 rumah nih, so kite kena tahu rumah nih mcm mane tahap commercialnye, dari segi aminities, population and human, and car traffic. All that are very IMPORTANT.


 Well, the first answer is that you have to do HOMEWORK. bace byk2 buku, mags, articles, observing , and even, before pegi dekat satu-satu unit tu, cek the unit, double check the agents, check the surrounding, neighbour, semua lah kena check..bukan main taram je. Ditakuti, bile kite ambil sambil lewa je all the things, kita sniri yang tak puas hati at the end of the day.

and yess......that will require your time, effort and $ jugak, but that is the price we all have to pay to achieve anything worthwhile in this life. And making money from properties are no different.

Making money is not easy. If it was, then everybody could become multi-millionaires. But the good thing is that it’s not as hard as you think. Do the right thing, and the money will come.
But paling PENTING sekali, you must know ur MATLAMAT untuk pelaburan.

btw, i am not agent pakar for property investment pon, but, If you would like to invest relating to Property Investment, pls drop an email 

till then darls :)

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